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About 15,000 people took part in Kyivan Rus Christianization celebration


The religious event was to mark 1,031 years of the Christianization of Kyivan Rus-Ukraine in the city of Kyiv on July 28.

It was conducted by Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine, Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Epifaniy (Epiphanius).

In addition to the Ukrainian clergy, the event was also attended by Ecumenical Patriarchate representative, His Eminence Metropolitan Emanuel of Gaul.

Kyivan Rus-Ukraine Christianization Day is a cultural milestone marked in Ukraine annually on July 28 on the day when members of the church honor Prince Volodymyr, a Saint Equal to the Apostles.

In 988, the mass baptism of residents by Volodymyr the Great in Kyiv and then in other cities resulted in Christianity becoming the leading religion in Kyivan Rus.

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